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Friday, 30 March 2012


I've got a little corner on the right side of my table (I like to be specific;) where I put the small businesscards from shops I like, free postcards etc. With the aim to categorize them and put them in a lovely notebook or so. For the time being, quite some extremely cute things are just 'lying' on that table... so I decided to take some pictures of them. And this one is from Madrid! 


Since I really liked her voice and song on nouvelle vague I started a small investigation to 'Nadéah'. Good news! 'Little miss Nadéah' had got her own album. And even a real videoclip with the concept: 
"Send Paris based Australian singer songwriter girl all the way to LA, where she will ride a very heavy bike across the city, get sweaty, worry about her hair and make up and then, kiss a boy whom she met whilst walking in the street on a Monday at 2pm."
I bought the album on iTunes and really like it, the songs are a perfect match for the spring/summer '12.

Pattern a day ~ Karina Manarin

Karina Manarin is a textile designer & artist who started the inspirational initiative to create and post a pattern a day. Every single part of the pattern is hers: the drawing, the pics and the Photoshop work. Such initiatives make me smile! I posted three of her patterns above. There are loads more which you can find @ http://patternaday2012.tumblr.com/

So funny, D. reminded me of all the lovely pictures I have in my Hipstamatic archive, so I decided to post the cutest ones on my blog;-) Since I became the proud owner of an iPhone I was immediately into the Hipstamatic app. It's still my favourite app. So from Bali, Paris, Amsterdam, South Africa, Barcelona to Cambridge: I used it everywhere! The picture above was taken on the beach@Bergen aan Zee where D & I had followed some inspirational workshops. 

Goodmorning! Just a thought for today ;-)

Thursday, 29 March 2012


Weekend! So funny, time flies while your having fun (also@work;) and when you're busy with loads of other things. I even forget to reply mails, whats apps. etc. And you know, it's ok! Have got to say I'm really happy to have a friday all by myself. I'm so not going to set my alarm (not even to go to yoga) because I decided to go with the flow tomorrow. The only thing I know, is that around six o'clock I'm going to have drinks with my friends! C'est tout. And I love it! 

Travel kit!

Monday, 26 March 2012

Inspired by mint

Lovely herbs: and now is the perfect time!

I absolutely love fresh herbs and especially when they just grow in/around my own house. When it's cold outside, the living room is the perfect location for basil and parsley and now with the spring you can put loads of herbs outside in the garden or on your balcony. I really like the green look and moreover it's so much cheaper to buy some seeds or plants than to buy small expensive herbs packets in the supermarket. And even if you've got a small balcony, there's always a way!

A beautiful beginning of the week!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Ok, my balcony looks slightly different;-) but I really love this pic. Tomorrow (only when it's sunny;-) I'll take some pictures of my own mint balcony. Am very happy with the result. It still needs a finishing touch though it's already extremely cute! 

Friday, 23 March 2012

B~MISSION inspiration

B ~ MISSION inspiration


This last week I've been quite excited about my balcony. More especially about my b ~masterplan. With the sunbeams, clear blue sky and a cleaned up balcony (the x~mas tree was still on it) I just feel the potential!  I mean, since I (so happy) can prolong my stay in my apartment till this spring and summer I decided to put some energy in my balcony. As a citygirl I'm quite attached to balconies. From the moment there are signs of an arriving spring I'm practically always on my balcony. Even though I have to wear an extra scarf or so: I don't care, I can be found on the damn;-) thing. Today phase one starts: buying the paint. Have been thinking quite some time about the colour (and have been harassing everybody with this, I mean major,  decision process) but I've made a choice! Hallelujah. It's going to be m~i~n~t ! I can already visualize after work dinners on my mint green balcony, sitting on the vintage French inspired chairs, with a bottle of rosé. I mean, the coloureffect is going to be amazing! So happy! 

Enjoy your friday full of sun!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Juicy spring: elderflower

Loving the discovery of D! Elderflower juice. The perfect drink for spring. And doesn't it look amazing? The bottle simply makes me happy. And with some sunbeams, sitting under a blossom in the park: what more does a girl want for spring 2012? !

Lovely tape from Tiger

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Strike the pose! -> Vogue NL

Have got to admit, am not (an international) Vogue reader but from tomorrow on the first Dutch edition of Vogue is available in the shops. Am always curious of the first edition of magazines so there's quite a chance I'll strike the pose tomorrow! And yes, I love Madonna's 'vogue' !

Sweet dreams!

Madrid treasures