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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Off to Paris

So looking forward to this weekend! Travelling to Paris tomorrow: can´t wait! The city of love, inspiration, delicious food & wine, petite boutiques and so much more. Shall take loads of pics to bring back the Paris´ vibe and inspiration. Am staying in a cute studio in Le Marais and am already looking forward to the tarts of ´tartes Kluger´. Have got to pack my tiny suitcase now! Enjoy your weekend!    

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

My all time favourite...

Kadolab ~ postcards with summer flower seeds

What a cute idea! Postcards with summer flower seeds. As a postcard lover I couldn't resist to buy the green one... They're handmade cards filled with seeds. You can buy them in several shops or via Etsy

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Rituals ~ Serenity: Indian rose & sweet almond oil

It smells so wonderful! It's the new fine liquid hand wash fragrance of Rituals.And it's pink!!! 

Vintage postcards

I bought these lovely mini- postcards@ a tiny shop in Haarlem. Really love these kind of cards and it's actually quite surreal that Elle & I are making our own postcards right now! So exciting ;- )

Monday, 14 May 2012

Gratitude Journal app


A new hot spot in Amsterdam: Pllek-> at the NDSM-werf, at the IJ. It was sunny, delicious with amazing bruschetta with ricotta, mint & peas and it was very bubbly thanks to the prosecco. We stayed there for the whole afternoon and time stood still. Coming back real soon;- )   

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Miss Étoile

A funny thing happened last friday. Doing the dishwashes (haven't got a machine yet;-) I was washing my all time favourite latte mug I bought in Barcelona and for the first time in almost two years I actually looked with some attention to the bottom of the mug. I never registered the brand before until friday and it said 'miss Étoile'. As I love the word 'étoile' (Melody Gardot even wrote a lovely song about the stars) I decided to start a mini investigation. Once a researcher, always a researcher;-) and I discoverd the most wonderful site. It appears to be a brand form Denmark and it has got selling points all over Europe. Scrolling through the Miss Étoile catalogue (see the pictures above)I became happier by the page! I really love the style and if there was a webshop I would have bought some items immediately. Curious about Miss Étoile? This is who she is ->

The Miss Étoile’s Universe 

"Miss Étoile is a fictive person, created by Anne Lassen, who lives in a glamorous universe, surrounded by beauty and femininity in her boudoir home in Paris. She is the centre of every collection. Everything is designed to fit into her universe. Miss Étoile has everything a woman can dream of from home accessories to furniture and textiles. Her name, Étoile, means star in French and she loves all that shines and sparkles."
I can practically see Miss Étoile sitting on the chair underneath...

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Freunde von Freunden

Also love to take a glimps at the interior of strangers? I'm always very curious to be honest... Sometimes it's absolutely hideous but how much fun is it to get inspired by the look & feel of the interior of a home?! The digital magazine freunde von freunden portrays creative persons in their own home and studio. Loving the sneak previews. There's also a book 'Freunde von Freunden Berlin' with loads of inspiring portrets. 

MANGO ~ Spring inspiration moodboard

This is a selection of my personal favourite items@Mango.com. 
I particularly love the iPhone case!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Mmmmm... is it a sign?!

After the post below about the Second Female dress I absolutely love I was checking the ELLE - intersite and they just posted an item of the opening of the first Second Female shop outside Denmark in Amsterdam! Is it a sign... I don't know but a good reason to make a testride with my bike ;- )

Oow, wish I could buy this amazing dress!

Couldn't find the price but perhaps that's better ;-)

A strong urge to create

This post reflects the process of the Coeur Blonde Newspaper. Elle & I had a dream, wish and strong urge to create something. Amidst the social media overload we were longing for something tangible. Something to put in our love, creations and ideas and to share this with other people. It became an old fashioned medium: a newspaper. It was quite a process to take this step. Would there be people who would like (and even buy!) this newspaper? Or was it just a figment of our imagination? We soon decided to put this last thing aside: it would only slow down the flow we were in. And there was no commercial aim for the idea so it wouldn't really matter, although we were and are so hoping we can inspire people with the paper. And make them smile. Now, three months later, we're finishing the paper tomorrow! The most exciting thing is to come: the publishing. We so hope the colours will be as lovely on print as on the computer!

Happy bike

After the theft of my bike this week (leaving the yoga studio, extremely zen, I discovered it had magically disappeared;-)I knew one thing: I had to get another one and soon! In Amsterdam a bike is a life necessity and it's also a good workout of course. I didn't want to buy an expensive one (you know, Amsterdam...) but I'm still a girl so the bike needed to have some kind of cute-factor. And I found it at the HEMA! My favourite shop ever. So happy! Am going to buy a basket for on front of the bike so it will look even cuter... 

Today's mission

T O  G E T  O U T  O F  M Y  H E A D!!!

S E R I O U S L Y,  I T' S  D R I V I N G  M E  C R A Z Y ;-)

A N D  L E T T I N G  G O  R E A L L Y  I S N' T  

T H A T  E A S Y  I N  M Y  O P I N I O N...

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Let's go to France! On y va...

Daily life

Hari Tea: have never seen this tea before but love the boxes and the names of the tea: would they taste as lovely as they look? Shall try this soon and let you know. Have a wonderful day: it might even stop raining ;- )

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The metropolitan museum of art ~ vintage underwear

How amazing! The Metropolitan museum of art has got a online collection of vintage underwear. So inspirational and to be honest, I could so wear the pieces above anno 2012.  it!

Quote of the day

Coco de Paris ~ Etsy

Coco de Paris@Etsy

"My world is a fantasy, 
to create my prints I use a blender:
I put inside my own original artwork, 
some vintage ephemera, 
some illusion, 
some reality,
some past, 
some future, 
a lot of imagination, 
I switch on the blender and you know what comes out of it? 
Coco de Paris!
Amazing, no?
The name of the blender? 
It’s an original “Art School” blender."

A creative & unique idea: so amazing-> Coco de Paris illustrates original vintage prints from the roaring '20 with her own designs. I absolutely love it and the flamingos just make me happy and I selected them especially for D! 

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

mooivintage ~ etsy

In the Dutch version of Elle magazine I found this lovely shop. The butterfly is my favorite vintage jewel of the shop

Nina Simone ~ here comes the sun

Thanks M~L ;-)

Quote of the day

A broken Petula Clark with blossoms

So funny, as if this composition was meant to be... Just lying on the streets, a broken album, blossoms,the white rope. 

Monday, 7 May 2012

Coeur Blonde Newspaper (in Dutch;-)

We just want to spread happiness & inspiration! Help jij ons mee?

Binnenkort verschijnt onze zelfgemaakte krant: Coeur Blonde Newspaper! Een project waar we met heel veel plezier en liefde aan hebben gewerkt en dat we gestart zijn met als motto: We just want to spread happiness & inspiration!

De krant staat dan ook vol met dingen waar wij (en hopelijk jij dus ook) blij van worden en inspiratie uit halen. Kortom een verzameling van tips en ideeën op het gebied van
DIY, food, beauty, fashion, body & soul, green, (web)shopping, travel, lifestyle & art. Het overkoepelende thema is lente/zomer. Vrolijkheid dus! Leuk om te weten is dat we alle teksten zelf hebben geschreven en de krant zelf hebben vormgegeven. Daarnaast zijn bijna alle beelden die we gebruikt hebben van ons zelf.

Help ons mee en maak ook nog eens kans op de krant! :-)
Naast het zo leuk mogelijk uitwerken van het geheel, komt er bij het maken van een product natuurlijk nog iets anders kijken: het bekendmaken aan de buitenwereld. Want hoe bereik je nu precies de juiste mensen? Omdat jij daar misschien wel veel meer
fantastische, grappige, opvallende en/of effectieve manieren voor kunt bedenken, willen we jou om hulp vragen. Jij kijkt er immers met een frisse blik tegenaan en hebt wellicht heel andere ideeën dan wij. En daar zijn we dus ontzettend benieuwd naar! We willen iedereen dan ook vragen om met ons mee te denken en zijn/haar idee met ons te delen. Je mag jouw manier van promoten natuurlijk al (gedeeltelijk) uitvoeren (vinden we alleen maar leuk) maar je idee gewoon even op papier zetten vinden we ook super! Uiteraard worden de drie leukste/origineelste/vernieuwde ideeën en tips beloont met een exemplaar van de Coeur Blonde Newspaper! Enne, het hoeven geen grootste uitgebreide promotieplannen te zijn, elke tip is welkom!

Je idee(en) en tips kun je mailen naar: coeurblondepaper@gmail.com

Pip & Elle