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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Coco de Paris ~ Etsy

Coco de Paris@Etsy

"My world is a fantasy, 
to create my prints I use a blender:
I put inside my own original artwork, 
some vintage ephemera, 
some illusion, 
some reality,
some past, 
some future, 
a lot of imagination, 
I switch on the blender and you know what comes out of it? 
Coco de Paris!
Amazing, no?
The name of the blender? 
It’s an original “Art School” blender."

A creative & unique idea: so amazing-> Coco de Paris illustrates original vintage prints from the roaring '20 with her own designs. I absolutely love it and the flamingos just make me happy and I selected them especially for D! 

1 comment:

  1. Haha dacht dat je grapje maakte @ smsje maar zie nu pas dat ie echt speciaal voor mij is. Extra bizar dus! ;-)
