Bonjour! It's been a hectic week and I'm really glad to get some rest during Easter. Hallelujah ;-) For today I just wanted to post two pics because I just keep thinking of France this week. I used to have lovely times in Normandy & Bretagne and perhaps it's time to go back for just a weekend or so. Good news concerning the Coeur Blonde newspaper-> we're really making progress now! Very glad with D's Photoshop skills;-) Enjoy your Easter holiday!
Hi! Zie dit bericht net pas. Grappig. Toevallig had ik het er vanochtend over met mn ouders (normandie) en ik zei: t zou best leuk zijn om daar weer een keer een weekje heen te gaan in zo'n huis en dan wat brocante winkels op te zoeken @ internet! ;)